Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sky Watch Friday #33

The new Sky Watch Friday is doing really well. Please check out the site and link in if you wish to participate. There were over 300 people last week with beautiful Sky photos. You can link in from my side bar or at the start of this post.

Do you see what I see in the sky? I was driving along and saw this unusual shaped cloud formation.
I do believe I see someone looking into the sky. What do you see?
This is a gray sky sunset through my Ohio Buckeye Tree. This was before the snow returned to cover the ground.
I hope I'm able to do somevisiting and appreciate your visit.


Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

I always love to see the sun through the trees!

Brad Myers said...

Thanksd for all you do to keep skywatch Friday going, it is a fun time every week. Good skywatch capture.

bowledover said...

I thought I saw a cloud dove in the first picture on the left side.Thanks for sharing.

SaraG said...

All very beautiful photo's!!
Thanks for sharing.
Happy SWF!!

Annie said...

Yes, I do believe that cloud looks like a baby!


You are my neighbor today on skywatch!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Looks like someone with white hair and a beard SLEEPING with a smile on his face, facing the sky!!!!! WOW--great shot, Tom...

Hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself.

Louise said...

The cloud is very interesting and cool. The buckeye tree is always a nice focal point.

FO - 2 said...

Only imagination sets the limits here.... ;)
I can see a face staring at a wall. ;)

Anonymous said...

These are lovely shows from the sky fishing guy.

Anonymous said...

I see a sleeping baby - or an alien. :-) Happy SWF - good to see you here.

Photo Cache said...

I love the last picture. I always try to capture the light shining through bare limbs of trees. Happy weekend.

Twisted Fencepost said...

I DO see a face looking into the sky!
I usually see something different than another person. This time I'm right there with ya! Yeah!

imac said...

My fav is the one shooting into the sun, great shots - my friend.Hope you are on the mend FG.

Sylvia K said...

I like to see the sun through the trees too, even when they're bare! And all your shots are really beautiful! Love the marshmallow clouds! Thanks for sharing and for keeping Skywatch up and running! Have a great weekend!

Guy D said...

Beauty shots as always!!!!

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Shelley said...

Cool gray photos!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I didn't see anything, other than maybe a fat worm or snake, so I came to see what others thought. When I went back, I could see a seated body on the right.

I love your squirrel posts and pics!

Dewdrop said...

I see a face... very cool cloud structure there! I love it!

Kathy W said...

That is one cool looking cloud shape. Your photos are always great. =) Hope you have a great friday.

Anonymous said...

Neat post. I like your post for SWF.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful clouds. Nice shots!

Unknown said...

I love the last photo with the leafless tree.

Anonymous said...

Those are lovely shots. I see a baby's face in the second shot.

Unknown said...

That tree is still beautiful, even without its leaves!

Cathy said...

Nice photos. Love the sun in the trees and the big white clouds.

Kim said...

Such gorgeous clouds!

Stacey Olson said...

tom.. so glad to see that you were up to a skywatch post today! I actually made a skywatch post, but can't find Mr. Linky on the page.?? did I do something wrong? I loved reading everyones interpretation of your clouds.. get better my friend..~

alicesg said...

Lovely photo for SWF. Love the way you capture the sun through the trees. Have a nice weekend.

Shionge said...

Thank you for sharing FG :)

Pietro Brosio said...

I see a profile in that beautiful sky. Nice pictures, Fishing Guy.

Lew said...

Great shots! Also nice that you got a break from the snow and ice.

Unknown said...

The blue sky look cool and the sunray just beautiful.Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

Jack and Joann said...

Reading the tea leaves or reading the clouds--both can become creative endeavors. I read these clouds and they say this: "Fine job, Fishing Guy, and you can expect all the Ohio fish to be trailing your boat soon and just waiting for you to catch them."

angela said...

Lovely billowing clouds..they remind me of winter bedding, probably a good thing if it's going to snow

Anonymous said...

Clouds make good skywatching. I'm disappointed I can't see anyone among the clouds skywatching with us, but sometimes a cloud is just a cloud.

Esther Garvi said...

I love how we all get to see different things in the sky. Thanks for sharing!

vincibene said...

Beautiful series!

vincibene said...

And my son and myself loves your Mr. Grey Sqirrel, cool captures!

Tina said...

Ha ha I looked and looked and nada!!
but I always love looking at the clouds to see formations..
that was fun..
nice post and do have a great weekend!!

Small City Scenes said...

A cloud head--peeking. How fun!!!
Lovely pictures. MB

Mary said...

I see a face! I love the shot through the buckeye tree.

Anonymous said...

That's what looking at the sky and the clouds makes such fun. For those who want to see it, there's always something to see.
I like the sun shining through the bald and bare tree as well.
Have a good weekend!

Don Wood said...

There is a dog growling XXX Don

Daryl said...

Clouds and naked branches two of my favorite views

Willard said...

Tom, I've enjoyed catching up on your blog. Sorry to hear about your problems, but Salty said you are coming along well so I'm glad to hear that. Thanks for your many visits and your efforts with skywatch.

Unknown said...

Yep I also see the face looking inwards, great shots FG!

Adrienne Zwart said...

Interesting! To me it looks like a baby gazing up into the sky.

Tina said...

I'm back again...I just visited your squirrel posts which were prior to your love those black squirrels..great pics!!
I wanted you to know I was sorry to read about your heart procedure and know you will do well. Hubby has had this (at age 57) and he is doing fine. You will be up and about in no time!!
+ guess what?? I'm coming to Toledo in April for a Remote Control Airplane WRAM show (hubby's hobby) and while we are there we are going to visit the Ottawa Nat'l Wildlife Refuge off of route 2 outside of Toledo!!
Maybe I will finally get to see a black squirrel as well as some neat Ohio birds!!

Arija said...

Love your clouds, but I particularly love the last one with the light through the tree

Dee said...

Love the clouds. My favorite of the three shots, however, is the last one. Beautiful and dramatic.

Tipper said...

Beautiful cloud formations.