The Ohio are got hit by the remnants of Hurricane Ike on Sunday. There were some places getting 80 MPH gusts of wind and 2 million people lost electricity. A wind that strong can blow down trees and take out power lines and the results can be devastating. What I'm showing are the results but no major damage. Here is a large tree on the way to work. The tree rot caused it to became weak and fall.

It was a large tree but it didn't do damage to the house.We had one large tree fall down in our development across a street and it had to be cut up with chain saws to allow passage. We have underground wiring and so had no outage

The damage to some trees was minimal, just a branch.

Other trees received major damage and this tree may have to come down.

Then there were the trees that came down from a stand of similar trees. This was the tallest of the bunch.

I has taken a week and we hope is everyone is back with power by Sunday.
The Award I received this week "I Love Your Excellent Blog".

What a cool award from my friend
Kostas from Greece. He honored me with this neat award for my blog. I am happy to receive it from his really neat site which has such detailed photos.
The rule is for me to give this award to other blog that gave me big moments with their marvellous posts, their beautiful photographs, and also their informative comments.
My friends who I pass it on to are:
Carletta for her photos and stories of WV.
Michele for her excellent photos of the Rocky Mountains.
Ivar for his beautiful views of Norway.
Louise for her stories and photos.
Darla from Florida for her great photos.
Leedra and the Appalachian Mountain animals and more.
OMGOSH!! Glad everyone is okay.. I cannot believe that I have received such an award from a blog, (person) which I have never met although admire so much..Thank You
It saddens me so, when the trees come down. I hope everything will be back to normal soon.
Congratulations on the award! You are very deserving!
Wow - makes you respect the unbelievable power and size of a hurricane, doesn't it?
For the trees - well Only the weak and sick one fall. It's rare for a healthy one to go down.
In any case you documented it well! And congrats to your award!
Cheers, Klaus
Congrats FG on the award and the storm picture are way cool. Glad you and yours are all right.
That was one bad storm. I'm still not believing how bad it was inland. Glad there was no "major" damage, though, and really glad you have underground power lines.
Congratulations on your award, and THANK YOU for passing it on! Truly an honor--from you, and in excellent company! I was just getting ready to "give up" for the blogging day when I saw the link in my dashboard. I have it in my plans to take care of this kind of thing early next week, so I'll pass it on then.
That was some storm!
Old Ike was a pesky storm wasn't he? Glad you are O.K. Congratulations on the award - well deserved. Pappy
That tree was huge. congrats on the award!
I was reading down through this post and see the award. Thought, "let's see who he sent it on to", shock, my name was at the bottom of the list, almost missed it. Could have knocked me out of my chair with a feather. Thank you so very much.
Well, you had more damage there than we did in Austin and Bastrop. Not a drop of rain and light wind. Wow.
Congratulations on the award.
That is one huge tree! So fortunate it didn't do more damage. We have certainly been thinking about our mid-west blogger buddies in the aftermath of this horrific storm.
Quite some blow you had there F.G.!!
glad your ok.
It just still strikes me as really strange how Ike regrouped after leaving Texas just blew the hell out of Kentucky and Ohio.
we have another busy weekend so need to run. Have a great weekend too FG and congrats on your award. You deserve it Mr. Nice!
Yep Yep - we had a lot of damage here in Southeast Missouri too from Ike... strong winds! I had a tree fall across my driveway - THANK GOD my car was in the garage!
Powerful images of the the storm...amazing how fast a hurricane can tear down trees that seem so solid.
My friend
Us here, watch this tragedy with grave concern.
we are friends via the Internet, and we do not want to suffer.
Fortunately for you, the damage was small. But it is always the expectation of when will the next.
Receives a big hug of Brazilian
It's amazing Ike got up that far. I have a friend on the Texas coast and they were cutting trees today.
They will have months of clean up, repairing and rebuilding to do.
Congrats on the award! I know you have many followers who appreciate your time and effort here.
I had seen your Sky Watch so that's why I missed this last night. Didn't expect you to post another Friday one. I'm humbled you are passing the award on to me. I looked the other day after your blog anniversary to see when mine was and you were the first person to comment on mine. Seems ages ago.
Thank you!!!
Congrats with your award, and I am honoured to recieve one from you. THANK YOU VERY MUCH :-)
Mother Nature likes to let man know who is REALLY in charge every once in a while.
Congrats on the award!!
Amazing it did that much damage in your area-so far away from the coast.
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