Here are the rules that go with the award:
1. Put the Logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate 7 fellow bloggers for this award
4. Add Links to the recipients
5. Leave a comment to recipients or email them to let them know they have an award
Here is my list:
Michele: Rocky Mountain Retreat - A great photographic view of the Rockies.
Stacey: A Focus In the Wild & Hawk: High Country Archer - Wyoming family team with photos and words.
Klaus: Virtua Gallery - Web sight delight from Florida's animals.Lin: Sandpiper's Place - Unbelievable walks along the Atlantic.
Willard: Pa Wildlife - & Salty: Country Captures - Brothers who show Pennsylvania wildlife in words and photos.
Helen: Wings & Things - A card and photo delight from Virginia.
Carletta: Round the Bend - Photos and stories from West Virginia.
Love it! Congratulations.
On my recent road trip I saw a bumper sticker on the tail gate of a pickup truck that made me think of you.
" It's a trout thing, you wouldn't understand."
Saw it at a McDonald's parking lot, the guy pulls out of the lot and water pours out from under his tail gate. I really giggled then.
Hi - just visited you after your comment on my Skywatch post; for which I say many thanks :).
I can see why you got this award. Congratulations Fishing Guy - I shall be popping in again.
Thank you so much - I'll get down to the rules later today...I appreciate it!
Congratulations on the award and thank you very much on passing the award on to me! I really truly appreciate it more than you will ever know! Thanks again!!
Have a wonderful week!
Aw gee Fishing Guy!
I so do appreciate the thought. To be in the same lineup with the others you've given it to is very humbling.
Thank you for your kindness!
Thank you so much for the award and for your nice words, Fishing Guy. That's really nice of you.
Congratulations and thanks for rewarding me with it. It is appreciated! :)
(If I find time, I'll create am awards page on my site, so that this will not get lost!)
Cheers, Klaus
Congrats Mr Fishing Guy!!! You deserve it such an award!!!
I'm running behind on visits because of my recent move and because the internet isn't hooked up at my new house yet and won't be until Thurs. I'm posting from work right now, but only on my breaks.
I scrolled down your page to see what photos I've been missing and noticed you had a death in the family and I'm very sorry to hear that! GOD Bless you and your family
Congratulations, Fishing Guy. You deserve the award. I'm glad you chose the Birdlady here in VA. She has some great shots too.
Good choices FG. Some of my favorites included there. Pappy
Thank you very much for the award, I appreciate it very much.
I am honored that you hold my humble work is such high esteem.
FG... Thank You so very much. I am so glad that blogger is letting me comment.. Mike and I both thank you.. and I will post it when I can.. thanks again.. and congrats on recieving this great well deserved award as well..
Thanks so much for the award, Fishing Guy.
I am glad that you enjoy my blog.
I certainly enjoy yours! Keep up the good work!
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