1) Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make me think and/or make my day
2) Acknowledge the post of the award giver
3) Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news!
I am passing this award along to:
1: Carletta - Round the Bend - She always puts a smile on my face with her pictures and music.
2: Stacey - A Focus in the Wild and Mike "Hawk" - High Country Archer Huston -
A family affair (Words and Photos) with both doing super
blogs. I truly enjoy both sights in different ways.
3: Salty - Country Captures - A very special sight with some great outdoor pictures.
4: Tom Wigley - Welcome to Wiggers World - Tom does beautiful posts England surroundings.
5: Michele - The Rocky Mountain Retreat - Canada shown at it's best.
I have many more great sights on my side bar that are also very deserving but I was limited to five.
Thank you.. I will do my post on this over the weekend and come back then to collect this award.. I feel I am in great company when I see who else as been given this award today..
You definitely deserved this FG :D
I think you picked some very good ones. Definitely some of my favorites!
Sorry. I forgot to say CONGRATULATIONS to you! lol
Congrats on the award!
Congrats to you Fishing Guy! Jedi has obviously been a great mentor!
Imagine my surprise to be gone all day from my computer and then find your note for me!
I am very honored that you think me worthy enough to pass the award on to me. I agree with Tom about being in some great company. Thanks again and look for my post soon.
Hello good day for congratulations continued good choices
Thank you so much fishing guy, I will honorably add this to my post for today.. congratulations on recieveing this award.. Have a beautiful day.
Congratulation! You deserve it. Sometimes I stop in and just listen to your music.
Oh my, *blush* thank you so much! I am glad that my photos make your day... I always get a kick out of yours as well plus I am learning a lot from you too! I really do appreciate it and congratulations to you as well for being chosen for this award!!
Thanks again, I really cannot thank you enough! =)
Congratulations, Fishing Guy! Well done!
Hua Kola brother, sorry i haven't stopped by lately. been busy with life and work. Thanks for including my blog in the awards... you are tryly a good soul, a poet and a warrior for the weak... keep your chin to the wind brother .. Hawk
Thanks a lot Fishing Guy and congratualtions on your award.
I hope you are not offended but I'll pass on passing the award on. I visit many great blogs frequently and certainly would not want to offend any.
Thanks again, Tight Lines :)
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