Jake had to be put to sleep today. It is a sad passing of our family pet. Jake was a 15 years old Pomeranian. His kidneys started to fail in the past week. He was suffering very much when I took him to the vets. He helped me through my recovery from my heart problems. He was always ready to head out around the neighborhood until this last week.
Here is Jake last month standing up to one of the neighborhood bullies while we were on one of our morning walks. That was one mean cat. The pig was the referee. That pig did a poor job. That cat attacked before the bell rang.

Jake had lost his left eye as a pup and could only see out the right side. He never let that slow him down.

He was always ready for a treat because he was a good boy.

Goodbye Jake, you were a proud dog. All the kids in the neighborhood wanted to pet the puppy.
Oh Fishing Guy I am so sorry to hear about Jake, made me cry for ya'll. I know how ya'll feel and I am in total fear for my lil ole dog Rudey. Jake was a great friend for a very long time. Big {hug} to all, I am really sorry for your loss.
Tom, I cannot listen to Feed Jake...cannot do it. It makes me cry every time...we sure have some hard things we have to do in our lives.
Our old collie mix has such a hard time getting up and down...and her feet just go out from under her. I know we are going to have to make that decision some day but I do dread it.
At the same time, I am glad we can help them not suffer any more. My original Cougar cat was such a hard decision...but the time comes and you just know you have to do it.
You always miss them...but it finally gets till you think about them and smile or laugh...remembering all the fun times and their little character traits that were so endearing.
So sorry to read of Jake's passing.
Losing a pet is one of the hardest things we humans have to face, I am sure he is over the Rainbow Bridge, and will be waiting to be reunited with you in the future.
He looked like such a sweet boy.
So sorry.Jake was a good looking dog.
I am so sorry to hear this Tom. He looks like a wonderful companion and I know will be sorely missed. Hugs.
Tom, I'm sorry for your loss as Jake has traveled over the rainbow bridge. Sounds like he had a great life. Hugs to you!
I'm sorry to hear about Jake. I know how hard it is to lose a faithful pet like Jake. But it sounds as if you have wonderful memories and this is a very nice tribute to your companion.
Oh Tom, I'm so sorry... These kind of things always make me cry---thinking of my own dog that died years ago.
Jake did live a great life, didn't he??? You all were good to him --and he was good to and for you..
May Jake rest in peace in that Doggie Heaven above.
I'm so sorry! What a sweet looking dog and loyal friend you lost. Putting a pet to sleep is so hard to do. I'm glad you have lots of photos and good memories to get you through this. We care.
Oh Tom...I am so sorry about Jake. I can only offer you sympathies from another who has had to make the same decision... Michelle
Tom, I am so sorry for your loss. The passing of such a true friend always leaves a big gap in one's life, especially one that has helped you over a rough patch in your own life.
Last year we lost Selkie a treasured Border Collie sheep dog. She may not have been the brightest dog in creation, but so willing and loving and a great dog in the sheep yards. We had the vet come to the farm to put her to sleep when life was just a misery for her after a stroke.
There is nothing like the devotion of a four legged friend.
So sad, smaller dogs make up for there size with double the enthusiasm.
Oh, Fishing Guy, what a wonderful memorial you have for Jake on your blog: photos, adventure stories and music! You will remember him for ever.
I loved Luke's comment above: "Little dogs make up for their small size with double enthusiam." So true!
And I must add that Luke looked like a real man's dog---nothing sissy about him. Plus that does look like a mean cat from hell. In doggy heaven there will be no mean cats to bother Luke.
What a beautiful dog Tom.. I know you have fond memories of him..
So sorry for your loss.. dogs can be such good friends and wonderful parts of our families.. My prayers for your family
A very sad day for FG. Sorry for your loss.
It's always so sad to lose a good friend. And it's hard to have the courage to know when to let him go.
Goodbye Jake, and enjoy the Rainbow Bridge. I've got two wonderful dogs waiting there to play with you 'til Tom gets there.
No matter how old your pet, it's never ever easy to see them go. I feel for you, FG. Here's to the many memories you have.
What a lovely tribute to a life and that is up there for a pom.. I hope to hear that you found a new legacy of his love..
I lost 3 this year 14 years 11 years and 24 years and even though I have 4 new pets in the house. they seem like just pets, not part of the family like they were. I laid in chemo stupor for a year with those 2 dogs so worried for me..
I could not have asked for a better life with them. The dogs I have now seem to be just dogs - I guess because I am hurting so much . This morning I saw a note Take Petrille to park first thing and I must have written it 3 weeks ago. I miss them soooo much . and I cried and cried. their dedication is unparalleled in this world..s.sandy
Tom, nice tribute to Jake.
Tom, my friend, I'm so very sorry to hear about Jake. The passing of a loved pet is a hard thing to do. Please remember the good memories and know he'll be at the other side of the rainbow bridge waiting for that day when you'll see him again.
Hugs to you and your wife.
Lovely tribute to your sweet fur-friend. I'm sorry for your loss but happy Jake shared your life leaving you with wonderful memories.
Hugs and blessings,
You made me cry...so sorry to hear about your dog...its the worst thing I've ever had to do in my life.. so far ...was to make the decision to put down our 16 yr old Brittany..to this day we miss her and share our little memories of the happiness she brought to our family.
Tom, So sorry to hear about Jake. It is sure like losing one of the family!
Sorry I haven't visited lately. I drove to Iowa yesterday to spend a few days with my Grandma before my husband has hernia surgery next Friday. I will head home on Wednesday and try to get all caught up on blog. I have missed you though and am sad to hear about Jake.
Take care!!
Sorry to hear about your beloved Jake! Sometimes it's just better to let go, than to watch them suffer.
I know how a pet can be good therapy. I know my Stretch helped me through a very rough time in my life.
And I know how attached we can get to them.
So sorry for you and Mrs. FG.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Our dogs are good friends, always.
So sorry about Jake-I know your family will miss him sorely.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Pets can have such a big impact on our lives, and it's incredible how people heal better from their own infirmities with the TLC of a loving pet.
What a beautiful happy little friend to have passed. I adore dogs, truly our humans best friends. A wonderful tribute.
I'm so sorry about this. Sounds like it happened pretty quickly, but to me losing a pet is just about as bad as losing a person. Heartfelt sympathy.
Oh Tom, this broke my heart to a zillion pieces. I'm so sorry to hear about this and I'm doubly sorry to be so late to tell you this. Forgive me.
Pets are our families and to lose them is tough no matter what their size. Jake was obviously a good buddy and brought so many smiles and memories and will be deeply missed.
Hang on the memories and photos and I believe that when we die, we will meet up with our pets somehow, I just know it.
I missed this post Tom. I was so sad to hear that you lost your friend.
Having lost my two "boys" I've been there...Most days I can remember them without tearing up...today's not one of those days. After they passed, I received an email with this poem in it. I hope it helps.
My thoughts are with you.
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