Monday, January 25, 2010

My World Tuesday Season # 2 Episode # 16

This is my posting for the My World Meme. It is hosted by Klaus, Sandy, Wren,  Sylvia and myself. Won't you join in, I want to see where you live and thrive.

The deer were very active yesterday as they came to check for food.

If you click on this photo you can see four in the woods behind my house. There was a little mist rising from the melting snow.

One decided the apple I had left for them was too tempting.

It was able to get the apple off the post and had a bite.

It then decided that some bird food would also be good.

See where others show their worlds above.


Rajesh said...

Very beautiful snaps. They look eager to be out of the woods.

Jane Hards Photography said...

How cute is your header image. I just wish this little fella would wander past my garden sometime.

Dina said...

Hi Fishing Guy. You are so lucky to have these lovely creatures so near!
Deer are so wonderful.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love photographs of deer. They must feel safe around your house.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, Tom, you are so lucky to have them so near and how beautiful they are! I love your photos! Have a great, deer feeding week!


Anonymous said...

Greetings from the eastern part of Finland!
I had a little strange post, but I like a new link system!
Nce weekend to you!

Martha Z said...

Wildlife learning to coexhist with humans, or maybe they have trained us to feed them. A new ecology, I feed the song birds and quail they in turn feed the raptors. Meanwhile the unwanted voles invade looking for the leavings of the songbirds.

Dar said...

What nice photos of the deer and how in the world did you ever get such nice shots of the must carry the big guns of cameras...I have been attempting crow pics forever...nothing as grand as yours.

Thanks for visiting me and taking the time to comment...I took another walk around the yard and will post shots soon but was really looking for deer tracks....none with all the new snow that's still falling......
Blessings To You and Yours

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I think those deer are onto something.They know where the good stuff is.:)

Carver said...

What a delightful set of shots. Deer are so beautiful and what a treat to have them feeding in your yard. I know a lot of people have trouble with them in their gardens but I am very fond of deer.

Anonymous said...

They feel very welcome in your yard. They are lovely creatures.

Photo Cache said...

Great snaps. You have deer for neighbors, how lovely.

imac said...

At least you dont have to go far to get an excellent shot Tom, Lucky man.

SandyCarlson said...

These guys are gorgeous. I love these shots. Thanks.

wenn said...

the deer is so cute!

Bill S. said...

Deer seem to like your yard. Here the snow is too deep and they are in the timber and thickets where they are away from humans. Great pictures

Anonymous said...

Oh, the famous Ohio Deer-Bird! :) I love watching them. Mr Wren saw three today while I was at work. No fair!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Beautiful, Tom! And how sweet of you to leave them treats.
I think you need to raise your birdfeeders up higher. Well, that is...unless you like feeding them birdseed. Then by all means, leave them where they are. But don't be surprised if they sprout wings or start tweeting. LOL

Amanda Moore said...

Amazing how a creature so sweet can be so powerful as well!Lovely shots I am so glad I came by to see them.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi, You are a nice 'Daddy' Tom---feeding your deer. We don't feed ours for fear they'll want some roses for dessert.... ha

Great pictures,

George said...

These are great pictures, FG. I especially like that first one. It's nice that you provide the deer with some snacks.

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Great shots!!!! thanks for sharing!!!!

Anonymous said...

How delightful that they came right into the garden!

We love Luna said...

I'm enchanted by this post, it's amazing that you can have deers in your backyard!They are lovely!
Wonderful pictures, thanks for sharing your world! :)
purrs and love
Luna - We love Luna

Pietro Brosio said...

Tom, it's so nice to have those lovely animals near the house! Very beautiful photographs.

Darla said...

I was wondering if you actually leave food just for the Deer, now I your grandkids ever get to see them?

Stacey Olson said...

Great photos.. Love you new header.. better go get some more bird seed.. looks like they found a new place to get goodies..

Pat said...

So cute! You have a different kind of deer than ours, called "mule deer." Ours have longer legs and great big ears (not as big as mules' ears, but pretty big). You are very kind to leave out food for the deer. Ours demolish almost everything we plant unless it's a strong-tasting shrub or herb, like rosemary or lavender. Great captures!

Craver Vii said...

Neat pics. Those animals can be so pretty.

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful, you shot some great photos of the deer, very enjoyable to look at them.

eileeninmd said...

Cute deer, poor critters must be hungry. Neat photos.

Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures - what beautiful animals!

Louise said...

How wonderful! I LOVE your header photo!

Tipper said...

Just amazing shots! Cannot believe you have deer like that. I love how the one came after the apple-just couldn't resist : )

Mary said...

Wonderful! I love how he got the apple :-)

Glennis said...

How lovely to be able to watch the Deer like this, they are just so natural not frightened at all.