I'm going to share my past week as I try to get back to a healthy condition. I'm sorry that I missed some return visits and have dug a hole from visitors that I don't feel I can get from under. I try to visit everyone who visits me.
I think most of you know a few weeks back I fainted and fell cutting my lip. A visit to the emergency room Robinson General Hospital ended with no results from testing but 13 stitches in my lip. My family doctor again sent me to Robinson General Hospital for a stress test which was determined to be suspicious by the heart specialist.
Doctor Khaled H. Sliek sent me for a cardiac catheterization on Tuesday of this week to Akron General Medical Center. The catheterization takes place while you are awake and there is virtually no pain involved. A tube is inserted near your groin and die is injected into your heart to check blood flow. The result of the test was an 80% blockage of the left anterior descending artery. I had an Angioplasty on the artery and a stint was put in to allow the blood flow. I stayed overnight in the hospital and was released home Wednesday. I would certainly recommend this doctor for his excellence in this type of work. The quickness of the procedure is amazing and Doctor Sliek can read the results and immediately perform the work to correct the problem.
I am feeling well and other then some pain at the groin where the camera and stints were inserted I am fine. The whole procedure was done while awake and I was aware through it all. This will limit some of my visiting on the blog but hope to be back in action within a week. Thanks for all your prayers and concerns.
Here are the photos as I saw them while lying on the operating table. The doctor talks you through the complete procedure. The doctor took all the photos of the arteries and then showed me the first photo and explained the blockage. If you look at the lower artery, the photo is on its side, you can see the narrowing of the blood flowing through the artery. The doctor then received my verbal permission to put a metal tube (stint) in the artery.

The results of the stint can be seen in the bottom photo. The doctor first places a balloon in the artery and blows it up enlarging the opening for blood flow. He talked to me about how I was feeling to make sure there were no dangers from what was happening. Once the artery is enlarged a metal mesh tube is inserted and the balloon is used to embed it in the artery. You can see from the photo that the stint gave me no blockage in the artery.
It is just a matter of exercise and diet to try to get back to full functioning mood. Thanks for all your concerns as I went through this time.