Today I would like to offer you a spring flower you may not have knowledge of, my Ohio Buckeye Tree.

Sky Watch Friday now has a new home and a life of it's own. Please check out the new sight and link in if you wish to participate. There were 378 people last week with beautiful Sky photos. You can link in from my side bar or above.
The family made a trip to central Ohio to go on a canoeing trip down a river. Most of the family went down in two cars. It was a fun trip with some great scenery. There were 7 adults and 6 kids on two rafts and a canoe. The country is really nice in central Ohio. There was a set of silos that I thought gave a fun sky shot.
As you go south in Ohio you start to get closer to the Appalachian Mountains and you get into the foothills with the rolling countryside.
If you put your camera in a plastic bag on the raft while you are going down the river you can get this kind of sky shot. Yes, we did get really wet. I don't recommend this method but the camera dried out and so did I.