Christmas Eve has come so soon so that day can't be far,
we look tonight for the promise of the Christmas star.
I know the day will be so bright in the heart of every child.
I do hope the travel weather will turn out so very mild.
I can remember as a child and listen through the night,
for any sound that may give me that special sight.
The sound didn't come, so off I'd drift to wake the next day.
I went down the stairs to try to find if Santa stopped my way.
He always did and awe and wonder would fill my heart.
I thought of how Santa covered all the world to my part.
Today will pass and it will be a wondrous time to see
as with my wife we together share the wonders to be.
A Merry Christmas to all my friends this coming season.
Fishing Guy / Tom
This are some of the Christmas Cookies we made with the grand kids for the season.
They are all individually decorated with your special designs.
This tray was already in the cool garage letting the harden.
Have a great Christmas Day.