I thought that
Joan the bug lady might get this but it was tough. I thought Nessie was in Scotland. LOL She really did guess a cricket. Check out the leopard on her site.
#1 What buzzes like a bee, is colored like a bee and looks like a bee? Well, a Bee Fly of course. Check out those fly eyes. Have you ever captured one of them for your site? I thought the eye shadow might say fly to you. Whether in the sun or shade it has great wings.

It is on a different solid Green Hosta plant.
Tipper was the first to say bee and
Thumbelina said green fly. Combined, they got it. He is a neat little guy, about a 1/4" long is all.

#2 An old time gas nozzle out of history. You turned a handle to get the gas into the glass top and then let gravity fill your tank. We were in Amish country in Ohio.
Mary and
George made a good guesses but
EcoRover guessed a gas pump. He has a neat site in Montana, very nice scenery.

#3 My Giant Blue Hosta after an overnight rain. The water droplets were sweet and pure nectar to the big plant. Notice how the leaves take the water to the roots. It is about 5 foot across.
Ann of The Tombstone Chronicler not only got the raindrops, she also got the Hosta plant. Way to go Ann. For all of you who tried to tell what the light reflection was; it is the sky showing between my house and the Ohio Buckeye Tree.
I do hope this was a fun one, every one did really well.