This is my posting for the
My World Meme. It is hosted by Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Louise and myself. Won't you join in, I want to see where you live and thrive.
Mac an I are having a header challenge based on water. Check his out
I was out the lake for the
Ravenna Thunderbirds annual water fly show. The crash in the header occurred because of a loss of a part on take-off. It is always a fun weekend and the slight ripple on the water gave some planes trouble. The owner had cut his self so was at the emergency when the plane crashed. It is a good thing I got this shot for the FAA to determine cause of the crash (just kidding).

I was not in my boat but on the shore for the show. You launch the plane and then it is all radio control. If you stall the engine you have to row and get the plane.

Here is one coming in for a landing.

They were mostly gas powered except for one electric model.

Here is one lifting off and headed for the sky.

It was a fun day in my world with a lot of nice people with a different hobby then mine.