This is my posting for the
My World Meme. It is hosted by Klaus, Ivar, Sandy, Wren, Louise and myself. Won't you join in, I want to see where you live and thrive.
My wife saw that President Obama was coming to Shaker Heights, Ohio and you could request tickets. She put a request in and waited for a call. She was chosen from all those who asked and 1,000 random people were allowed to see the program. We went early and were among the first 100 people to get in line.

We made some new friends in line. Don was a retired Chemistry Professor and Fran is a counselor at Tri-C Community College. My wife and her had many things in common.

Ohio's Governor Strickland was at the event along with a lot of other dignitaries.

President Obama arrived amongst much fanfare.

I asked him to pose for me when he got to the podium and he did (just kidding) but it does look like I asked. The Presidential seal is put on the podium shortly before he arrived. He spoke on health reform. You can see the Secrete Service in the area.

He took of his jacket to take the questions. Someone thought it was a good idea to turn off the air conditioner while he spoke. They were wrong, there were 2,000 people sweating in the gym. He chose Norma, who ran a health home service company, for the first question.

She was sitting in the row in front of us. She asked a tough question on how this reform would affect her company. We had very close seats on the bleachers near the stage.

This is the look the President had as she asked her hard question. I thought the look said "How did I pick her first?"

It was an interesting day and a great time. Regardless of your political feelings, President Obama is a charismatic speaker. This was a once in a lifetime happening for us and I'm glad I got to attend the event. My wife is the greatest.