This is my posting for the
My World Meme. It is hosted by Klaus, Ivar, Sandy, Wren, Louise and myself. Won't you join in, I want to see where you live and thrive. Here is part of 'My World'. I will be travelling today and will get back to you as soon as I can.
I do go to the Kent Bog quite often to commune with nature. I received an E-mail asking if I would be available when
Tom Arbour of The Ohio Nature Blog was going to be visiting NE Ohio. Tom and I communicate on nature and he is a biologist with the ODNR (Ohio Department of Natural Resources) who is in charge of the bog. Needless to say, I was available.

Tom used to live in the area and attended Hiram College and worked the bog during his time. He lived in Munroe Falls. He and his wife Megan just had a little boy, Weston - 16 weeks old, and he has some neat sites.

It was a pleasure to be there as he worked and see him go into the bog to access it health and look for samples of new species. This is a little crannberry patch with ferns invading.

He was looking at this sedge that was neat to the walkway and thought he should take a sample to study. The Carex Sedge has 1500 species.

This is another sedge that shows the way the grass grows in a three way leaf radiating from the center. Where I see grass, Tom sees a special plant.

He did go back into the bog and I stayed on the path, he had on boots to be able to walk into the bog.

The next photo is of a Poison Sumac Tree that is near the path. This is enough reason to stay on the walkway. It will give you blisters and itches that you don't need. We have harmless Sumac in the area but this one is not good for you.

So I met a fellow blogger, communed with nature and had a fun morning. I learned a lot and got to see a botanist in action. He was also knowledgeable about birds and even though they are hard to see I did learn to recognize their call.

Blogging does have so much to offer you in the pursuit of knowledge. A special thank you to Tom for contacting me when he was in the area.