Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dad's Ring

This is my father's graduation ring which I received after he passed at 84 years of age. It is a remembrance that I will have to pass on to my son I wear it every day and especially when I go fishing.
Dad always did so much to take care of us when we were growing up in PA. He always made sure we had food and clothing. We may not have had every thing we want but we did have what we needed.
I am happy that I have this daily reminder of my father.


Anonymous said...

That is nice to have. I am glad you got it.

Shionge said...

This is absolutely wonderful..I have my dad's ring too as a remembrance and also a pair of procerlain "lion"....I blogged about that too ;)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Abe: Thanks for your comment, it is something that is important in my life.
Shionge: I'll have to check your blog later.

Shark Girl said...

I had my mother's class ring for a few years but passed it on to one of my sisters. My mother hasn't passed away but we got separated for several years and the ring was a nice reminder for me.

It's amazing how such a small token can mean so much in a person's just be able to have someone that belonged to someone you loved.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

SG: Yes, I really like having the ring. It's special to me.