Friday, March 7, 2008

General Ramblings

We had family night last night. I was talking to my wife and the two daughters and they brought up my blog. They always like to tease Dad about something. I guess it's payback for all the teasing I did while they were growing up. My one daughter told me something that hit home. She said I really smiled when I talked about my blog and the friends I have on the blog. I told her it was because it was something I really enjoyed doing. I guess they will just have to deal with the fact that I like to blog.

I didn't make my normal drive to PA because we have Winter weather warnings today. The weather guys are saying that we could have 12" of snow by Sunday. The snow came out of the south so Abe in Brookville, Ohio probably already has the bad weather. I'll let you know if it comes through as predicted. The weather guys already moved it from morning rush hour to noon. We have a clear morning and I heard the Robin chirping as I went to my car this morning.

I wanted to mention the problem that Mr. Chinchilla is having with the court. That little rascal did a hypothetical blog about biting someone and now he is going to have to go to a trial. You need to check out the blog to see the mess he got himself into. He already is fairly deep in the tale so go back four blogs to get the whole story. What a mess he's got himself into. He needs help because he had to fire his PD. Now what is he to do?

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive" Sir Walter Scott


Carletta said...

Good Morning Fishing Guy: I just tried leaving a comment and Blogger was having problems I guess. Anyway hope this doesn't post twice. My family is supportative of my blogging habit too. I think if we're happy doing something then that feeling carries over into our day to day life and isn't that good for our family! I think so.
I'm keeping an eye on the weather here too - right now it's rain drizzle and unlike most I HOPE it snows!

Shark Girl said...

I'm glad you have your blog FG, and I'm glad your family shares your time with us. You have a permanent place in my heart.

As for Mr. C., I'm going to stick by his side. I believe him and he's never done anything to deceive us before, so I think we should stand with him.

Though, I think he really should hire jedijawa even though his specialty is in mental hygiene. Jedi is a full-fledge WV lawyer and should be able to cross over into criminal can't he? I don't know how that lawyer stuff works but he's smart. He can figure it out.

Jedi needs to do it pro bono too. Mr. C. is in trouble with his finances (which I warned him about with that TV but he didn't listen to me).

He can sell tequilla soaked raisins on line to raise money for his defense fund.

Shark Girl said...

Hey...FG... we're forgetting a certain lawyer who IS a criminal defense lawyer. Isn't 99th Problem's specialty in criminal defense?

Mr. Chinchilla said...

Hi, Fishing Guy! The snow's really deep outside my burrow today--I guess that will keep the police away! Hee hee.

Shark Girl, the chinchilla's not going to hit anyone up for a defense fund. Spend your hard-earned money on something you need or donate it to a worthwhile charity aimed at curing diseases.

Chris said...

Hello Mr. Fishing Guy ;O)

I'v just found your blog by accident while hopping via blogger from one blog to another. And what a surprise to discover that you too like Abe's blog. It's one of my favorite blogs. Just a few days ago I wrote a short blog entry about him for my German blogger friends. Small world, isn't it ?

I've read your entry about your fishing accident. Don't worry, you are not the only one who had such an embarrassing fishing accident ... my husband had a similiar one. The doctor at the hospital told him, such accidents are not unusual. In fact, they have to treat this kind of injury several times a year.

I wish you a good catch at your next fishing trip ;O)

Greetings from Germany,

P.S.: I'm sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes. I'm still on war path with both of it *LOL*

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Hi All: I guess my ramblings turned into the Snow Storm of (03.08.08). We are safe and Ohio got it's share of snow.
Mr. C: I think you should at least sell t-shirts with your picture to help with expences.

Shionge said...

Hiya FG (eh what's yr name by the way?).... :D

Anyway about blogging I'm loving it too and I've embraced friendship with a few of the blog pals and it is awesome.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Shionge: Why I'm the Fishing Guy. It's way more fun that way.