Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Here is The Masonic Center in Kent

The Marvin Kent House built in 1884 is now the Masonic Center. That is 148 years ago and it's still standing proudly. Marvin Kent was one of the founders of the town of Kent, Ohio. The house has an interesting history and you can read more on the above link. This house is om Main Street in Kent. The architecture is outstanding with the tower. You can click on the picture to see even more detail. You don't build houses like this anymore and much of the ability of the tradesmen to build this has been lost. I zoomed in for a close-up of the tower.
A closer shot to show the intricate design on the top of the tower.


Tom said...

Hi Fishing Guy
Thank you for coming over to my place and taking the time to comment again... forgive me for not returning the compliment sooner.

I have not the time tonight to foolow the link on this post but promise to return tomorrow and follow this up.
The build quality on this building is superb, the wood and brickwork are very nice to see.

I will link back to here from my place then that way I can call back most days..
All the best now..

Shionge said...

Oh Wow! That's how many times older than me ...I'm still young :D

Very very nice FG~

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Hi Tom: I'm going to link to you also because I liked your sight.
Shionge: It's even old when compared to me. LOL