Sunday, March 2, 2008

Shionge - Added a New Artist

Shionge is from Little Guiun, Singapore and has some of the best photographs of a part of the world. Many of us have never been there and maybe never will except for Shionge. Singapore is a group of 63 islands.
Here is a picture of the main city of Singapore.

They have beautiful architecture. Shionge shares so much of the area she lives through her camera. She has an eye for color and shows there is much to capture with her camera in her part of the world. Here is one of her pictures from today's post.
Visit this blog for an eye popping experience.


Shionge said...

Oops...I didn't realize this until now, thank you very much for your kind words :D

Truly appreciate it.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Shionge: Happy to do it. I enjoy your photographs.